A Word Of Truth That’s Clear And Distinct On Abbas Abu Yahya’s Warning Against Salafy Ink

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Al-Bukhari and Muslim collected a narration upon the authority of Abdullah ibn Amr wherein the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- said, “The Muslim is he who the Muslims are safe (from the harm) of his tongue and hand.”

Imam An-Nawawi said, “Its meaning is whoever does not harm the Muslim with speech nor action.” [شرح صحيح مسلم]
Ibn Rajab said, “So whoever the Muslims are safe from the harms of his tongue and hand his Islam is better than the Islam of another who is not like that due to both sharing in enactment of Allah’s rights as it pertains to Islam from the two testimonies, performance of the prayers, paying zakat, etc. In addition one of them distinguishes himself (from comparison to the other) by establishing the rights of the Muslims, hence this one’s Islam is better than the others.” [شرح صحيح البخاري]

Recently, statements of our brother Abbas Abu Yahya -May Allah pardon him- were circulated on Facebook in a page titled “Da’waatus Salafiyyah Brisbane” on October 26 of this year (2017), therein we find that Salafy Ink and its contributors have been harmed by the statements of Abbas which unfortunately include a lie, academic fraudulence, and double standards that is not expected from one who attributes himself to Al-Minhaj As-Salafi, let alone someone who is busied with clarifying it to others. The following are his statements found on that page:

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Dear brothers, from my own dealings with these brothers, I advise you not to involve yourselves with them.
Firstly, stick to those who our scholars give tazkeeyah to.
Secondly, these brothers have not -as far as I am aware- study correctly or have studied only for a short period and put themselves forward.
Thirdly, I have found that they lack in manners and wisdom.
So stick to the brothers at Spubs UK and those affiliated with them.
May Allah guide those brothers.
And Allah knows best.

Before continuing it is important to make mention of who exactly is Salafy Ink and associates. Salafy Ink is under the direct supervision of our brother Abu Abdis Salaam Siddeeq Al-Juyaanee, it consist of several platforms on social media (website, sound cloud page, twitter account etc) and has several students of knowledge -all based in the US- assisting and supporting the effort in spreading As-Salafiyyah whether it be from translations, articles, classes, seminars, etc, their approach in this regard is multifaceted. Those that currently contribute to this effort are as follows:

  • Abu Yusuf Khaleefah (Imam of Masjid Nurullah NY)
  • Abu Muhammad Al-Jamaiki (imam of Masjid Ahlil Hadith in Philly PA)
  • Amin Manning (Teacher at Masjid Ahlil Hadith in Philly PA)
  • Abu Zaynab Tawfeeq Hosley (teacher at Masjid Ahlil Hadith and former imam of Masjid Bin Baz)
  • Mujahid Al-Jamaiki (teacher at Masjid Ahlil Hadith)
  • Khalil Davis (former imam of Masjid Ahlil Quran Wal Hadith from 2003 to 2009 in DC)
  • Hisham Abouzaid (Ulama Audio)
  • Naasir Al-Hanbali
  • And myself -Najeeb ibn Yusuf Al-Anjelesi

There are also former contributors like Dawud Adib and Muslim Abu Yasmean whose works are also present.

The reason for clarifying this is because of Abbas Abu Yahya’s statement, “Dear brothers, from my own dealings with these brothers” which did lead readers to believe that Abbas has or has had a relationship with the aforementioned that has caused him to have multiple dealings with them. Unfortunately this is a lie. He has had no dealings with anyone from Salafy Ink. The brothers mentioned don’t know him. Siddeeq mentioned to me that he met him one time in a meeting while in Saudi, however his exchange with him was brief. Abu Yusuf mentioned that he corresponded with him once when he made an erroneous statement about another salafi organization to which he was left silenced and unable to answer Abu Yusuf’s questions. The remainder of the aforementioned don’t know him. So how is it that Abbas Abu Yahya would consider two separate encounters as “my own dealings” a phrase that was perceived by most to be multiple interactions with the aforementioned.  

This blatant and apparent exaggeration gave readers the impression that Abbas -may Allah bless him to be more accurate in speech- is qualified to speak about the character of those affiliated with Salafy Ink after all he had dealings with them, thus he knows first hand about their character, their strengths and weaknesses in knowledge, etc. However this is a lie.

The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day let him speak good or keep quiet.” Collected by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Al-Haafidh ibn Hajr Al-Asqalaani said, “This is from speech that is small in wording yet extensive in meaning due to all speech consisting of either good or bad, or leading to one of the two. Thus what enters into good is everything demanded from statements that are obligatory and recommended and it is permissible (to utter) with regards to its various types. Likewise what enters into it is whatever leads to it. Whatever is contrary to that from what is bad (speech) or what results in that, the command when desiring the indulging in such is to be quiet.” [فتح الباري]

Imam An-Nawawi said, “As for his -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- statement ‘speak good or keep quiet’ it’s meaning is that whenever one wants to speak, if whatever he says is actual good that is rewarded, whether it be obligatory or recommended (speech) then say it. However if it is not clear to him that it is the good that is rewarded, then refrain from speaking.” [شرح صحيح مسلم]

This lie is utilized in order to legitimize fraudulent criticism against Salafy Ink and even has therein a blatant slander. Abbas -may Allah bless him with success in repenting- said, “I have found that they lack in manners and wisdom.” How could he have ascertained that when he has no relationship with any of us, he does not know one of us neither intimately nor casually. Had he said that it was reported to him such and such, then that would be a different scenario, however he said, “I have found…” Thus any salafi striving to be upon this dawah based on proofs and principles, and judging affairs with fairness and balance will immediately reject this fraudulent claim and outright slander of their brothers upon Al-Minhaj As-Salafi. Allah says:

ولا تقف ما ليس لك به علمٌ إنّ السمع و البصر والفؤاد كل أُولئك كان عنه مسئولاً 

And do not pursue that which you have no knowledge therein. Indeed the hearing, sight, and heart of each of them will be questioned. [Al-Israa: 36]

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymin said, -do not pursue- “Do not follow that which you have no knowledge about, and this prohibition encompasses everything. Everything that you have no knowledge of do not follow, rather avoid it and do not speak concerning it because you are mistaken. If it is with regards to what is attributed to Allah and His Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- the prohibition is from the most severe of sins.” After detailing the issue of falsely attributing lies to Allah and the Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- Sheikh Al-Uthaymin said, “Likewise if you follow that which you have no knowledge with regards to a human being in that you quote a person as saying such and such yet he did not say it, or even if it is said to you -so and so said such and such-, do not rely on this until you know for certain.” [شرح رياض الصالحين]

Thus my advise to Abbas Abu Yahya in this regard is to produce your proof in detail substantiating the claim of lack of manners and wisdom if indeed you are truthful. If you cannot do so, and we know you can’t, then know that you are the one more deserving of this attribute than anyone you have accused. As wisdom is to put things in their proper place, so how have you been wise as it relates to the honor of your brothers upon Al-Minahj As-Salafi by way of lying and slandering them? How have you displayed good manners in this regard? 

Abbas said, “Secondly, these brothers have not -as far as I am aware- study correctly or have studied only for a short period and put themselves forward.” 

First, the recorded lectures and classes of the aforementioned brothers are widely circulated as is their translations and articles, so if Abbas is truthful in his claim of not studying correctly, then the mistakes of our brothers would be easily noticed and readily available in order for him to substantiate this claim. Therefore we ask Abbas once again to produce proof for what we deem as a baseless accusation. 

The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- said, “Indeed Allah is pleased with 3 things and He hates for you all 3 things” til he said, “He hates for you all it is said and he said (commonly expressed in English as he said she said)…”  Imam An-Nawawi, in his explanation to Sahih Muslim where this narration is found, he said, “It is speaking falsely and giving accounts as it pertains to the affairs of the people, and their condition and conduct of that which is of no concern.”

Sheikh Rabee said, “The prohibition on it is said and he said (he said she said) and it is the engaging (by way of discourse) in falsehood, publicizing immorality, spreading rumors and lies, as it is sufficient for a man to be a liar who narrates everything he hears.” [مذكرة الحديث النبوي] 

Abbas Abu Yahya’s statement is just that he said she said and nothing more.

Second, he also said, “Or have studied only for a short period and put themselves forward.” It would be of benefit to understand what Abbas considers to be a short period, due to his advice at the end “So stick to the brothers at Spubs UK and those affiliated with them.” As some of our brothers at Spubs UK and those directed affiliated with them from our brothers here in the states have studied for a short period of time, and in some cases have never sat with the scholars. For instance Kashiff Khan, who has lectured at Masjid As Salafi in Birmingham, did not complete the language program -which is a 2 year program- at the Islamic University in Medinah. Umar Quinn, who participated in the 2016 Medinah conference of Spubs, is not known to have actually studied directly with the scholars. And there are many more examples.

The mentioning of this is not in order to belittle, defame, disrespect, or discourage from benefiting from them, on the contrary this is me only stating a matter of fact. These brothers have praiseworthy efforts in dawah that no one can deny, and when they open their mouths they prove that they are capable of speaking about the issues in which they address. Hence the mentioning of this is to disprove Abbas Abu Yahya’s clear and apparent double standard. If this is actually a point of concern for him as it relates to who one should benefit from, then it would be applicable to all including Spubs UK and those directly affiliated with them. However this is not the case, and we don’t know what actual personal grievance Abbas has with Salafy Ink, but whatever it is it has caused him to forego justice and fairness as it relates to his brothers upon Al-Minhaj As-Salafi. Allah says:

يأيها الذين ءامنوا كونوا قوامين لله شهداء بالقسط و لا يجرمنكم شنئان قومٍ على ألاَّ تعدلوا اعْدِلوا هو أقربوا للتقوى

O you who believe! Stand firm for Allah as just witnesses, and do not let your hatred of a people cause you to avoid justice. Be just that is nearer to taqwa.. [Al-Maa’idah: 8]

Abbas said, “Stick to those who our scholars give tazkeeyah to.” This statement limits the spread of the Sunnah and Islam, likewise it indicates a lack of understanding on Abu Yahya’s part as it relates to who it is that should teach. Compare his speech with that of Sheikh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli to fully understand the academic fraudulence of his statement. 

Q: Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatahu, O our Shaikh may Allah reward you and benefit (you and others) with your knowledge. We have with us (in our lands) students of knowledge whom we only know good about themmay Allah benefit (others) by way of them. They teach us the books of ‘Itiqaad (‘Aqeedah) and Sunnah. Some brothers have come to us and have spread (the following) concerning the students: Firstly, knowledge is only to be taken from the Akaabir.
It’s a must that there be a Tazkiyyah from the ‘Ulama for the one who is establishing (the likes of) these classes.So this has led to the abandonment of some of the classes of which there is not present (or available) other (classes) in our area/province. So what should be our stance in this regard? (We hope) you give us direction (in this affair) may Allah bless you.

Sheikh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli: There’s no doubt, that knowledge indeed should be taken from the Akaabir and a person must have a Tazkiyyah. However, who are the Akaabir? The Akaabir are those whom their knowledge has magnified (their status) and they are known for knowledge, even if they are young in age, even if they are youth.There were Akaabir from the Sahaabah who were young in age; knowledge was taken from them and their knowledge illuminated the world. This affair is from the important affairs in this issue, and it is, that the one who is young could be magnified (in status) by his knowledge; such that he is known by his profound beneficial knowledge. This(scenario) took place in abundance amongst the Salaf, starting with the Sahaabah may Allah be pleased with them (and it took place) after the Imaams. A Tazkiyyah (is also) a must; for verily, this knowledge is Deen. So it is a must that we carefully look at the one we take our Deen from. However, what is a Tazkiyyah (and how is it attained)? A Tazkiyyah is achieved by way of three affairs:

The First Affair: A textual (i.e. written and/or verbal) Tazkiyyah from the reputable ‘Ulama, giving him Tazkiyyah. The ‘Ulama or some of them have given him a textual Tazkiyyah; a Tazkiyyah is not confined to one, two or three scholars. Rather (it would constitute a Tazkiyyah), if a (single) scholar from the reputable scholars (give him a Tazkiyyah) or a group of them (stating) that so and so has Tazkiyyah and he is suitable that knowledge be taken from him.

The Second Affair: It is well-known (by the ‘Ulama) that this student gives classes and no one from the people of knowledge has disapproved (of him doing so). It is well-known that he teaches and none of the reputable people of knowledge have disapproved of his classes. This is a Silent Tazkiyyah. This (is a Tazkiyyah) because it is not suitable that the ‘Ulama with their (lofty) status that they (know) that this person is from those who should be prevented from being studied with and yet they don’t say anything to prevent him.

The Third Affair: And this is the most important affair in this issue and that is, that his knowledge gives him Tazkiyyah. So he doesn’t teach anything except the Sunnah. What I mean by this, is that he only speaks the truth and that he only takes from the ‘Ulama of the Sunnah and that he agrees with the books of the ‘Ulama of the Sunnah. (In addition to this) he does not refute any of the speech of reputable ‘Ulama nor does he contradict the Sunnah, this one, his knowledge gives him Tazkiyyah. The ‘Ulama don’t personally know every student of beneficial knowledge. However,they would look into the knowledge he presents. Does he teach the Sunnah? Does he respect the views of the ‘Ulama of the Sunnah? Does he convey the speech of the ‘Ulama of the Sunnah? If this is the case, his knowledge gives him Tazkiyyah and knowledge is taken from him.

The statement that, “Verily knowledge is not taken except from the one who the ‘Ulama have given a written/verbal Tazkiyyah to;”(verily) this (statement) closes the door on much good. Many places have students of knowledge therein who teach the Sunnah and the explanations of the people of the Sunnah and they teach in accordance to that which they have learned. However, they do not hold a (textual) Tazkiyyah from a specific scholar. However, it is not known about him that which disparages him as relates to his knowledge; so if we say, “Don’t take knowledge from him,” knowledge would not remain in many places, the door of good would be closed, the people of innovation (would take his place) in teaching and the people of the Sunnah would be stopped and halted. The people of the Sunnah would then (have no alternative) except to take knowledge from the people of innovation or take knowledge from the internet or other than it. This is not correct and this does not benefit. [http://www.salafyink.com/tazkiyyahconditionknowledge]

So reflect O salafi to the words of Sheikh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli and compare them to the statement of Abbas Abu Yahya. The honest seeker of truth would have to acknowledge that Abu Yahya’s speech is limited in terms of what the sheikh presented about a tazkiyah, thus making it clear that his speech has no place except and or restricted to the garbage. If only Abu Yahya had taken the time to refer this matter to a scholar, his speech would been more accurate and in accordance to the truth, and Allah knows best. There are other issues that could have been addressed, but this is sufficient in illustrating the fact that his speech should be rejected.

Written by Najeeb ibn Yusuf Al Anjelesi
Nov 5, 2017   





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