Monthly Archives: April 2016

Praying At Home When Adhan Is Heard: Sheikh Rabee Ibn Haadi

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Is it permissible to perform prayer at home even though the adhan is heard? Likewise deeming the congregational prayer in the masjid to be preferred instead of obligatory (is this permissible)?

A: Some scholars considered congregational prayer in the masjid to be a prerequisite for the validity of prayer, consequently the prayer at home is not allowed unless one is excused. Some scholars hold the opinion that congregational prayer is an individual obligation, yet prayer at home is (still) valid. If one is legitimately excused (in Islam), then Allah will overlook it if He wills and will write his intent. However if he is not excused then he must perform the prayer at the masjid along with the Muslims.  

The evidence for this position is what Abu Huraira narrated where the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said “I swear by Him in whose Hand is my soul, indeed I intended the ordering of firewood (to be gathered), then (the command for) the prayer and hence the adhan is called, then order an individual so that he can lead the people (in prayer). Next I will come behind some men (who do not answer the call to prayer) and burn their homes. I swear by Him in whose Hand is my soul if any of them knew that they would find a meaty bone or two pieces of meat he would have been present for Ishaa.”    

Likewise Ibn Masud said, “We held the opinion that an individual is not absent from the prayer except a hypocrite whose hypocrisy is known, or a sick person even though he is sick he still walks between two men until he reaches the prayer.” He means the people know of the hypocrisy of this individual due to his lagging behind on the congregational prayer intentionally. 

The congregational prayer is a distinguishing characteristic from the Islamic practices and from the greatest of Islamic practices. Therefore it is not permissible for a Muslim to be absent from it except with a (legitimate Islamic) excuse, like if he oversleeps or is sick. If he prays in his home while he is excused then all praise is for Allah alone and He will accept it from him.

On the other hand, if he is deliberate (in being absent) and as such prays the congregational prayer in his home while he hears the summons to it, then no. If you hear the summons to prayer it becomes binding upon you to respond to it. Ibn Umm Makhtum narrated when he asked the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam-, “O Allah’s Messenger indeed I am a blind man with a home far away (from the masjid), and I have a guide who does not aid me, so is there for me a concession to pray at home?” The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam said: “Do you hear the summons?“He replied, “yes.” He -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said: “I can not find for you a concession.” Hence the subject is very important, so preserve your prayers in congregation at the masaajid. Why does one call to the prayer? Why does he say to you come to the prayer? He is saying to you arrive, appear, show up!

Translated by Abu Abdil Waahid Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي


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A Woman’s Itikaaf In Her Home: Sheikh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Is it permissible for a woman to perform itikaaf in her home, or is it imperative that she do so in the masjid?

A: Itikaaf is not legislated to be performed anywhere except in a masjid where jumu’ah is held, its performance in a masjid unlike that is incorrect. This is because the jumuah prayer will be missed by performing itikaaf in a masjid where it is not held. It is from the most compulsory of actions and for this reason the scholars of Islamic jurisprudence have made conditional the performing of itikaaf in a masjid wherein jumuah is held and they heavily emphasizes this. Shaykh Al Albani held the position of unlawfulness for the performing of itikaaf anywhere except in the three massajid, yet you would extend it to even being performed in the homes?! No! If it is not permissible to perform it in regular masaajid then how can it be permissible in the homes?

If a woman desires the performing of itikaaf, then she should do so in a masjid where jumuah is held, as the wives of the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- performed itikaaf there and not in their homes. Thus the ruling encompasses women, and no one from the Islamic scholars exempts them.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي


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Excused From Congregational Prayers Due To Rain: Sheikh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Is the mere falling of rain considered an excuse to abandon the congregational prayer or is severe rain conditional for such?

A: Allah knows best but severity (heavy rains) is not conditional. If wetness occurs that is harmful to the praying person then this is an excuse from Allah’s mercy. Whenever there is slippery moisture and it is harmful regardless if it be lite rain, then this is an excuse.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي


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Syrians Fleeing To Europe And America: Sheikh Abdullah Al Bukhari

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Syrians traveling to Europe and America is now common, so is traveling there under these current circumstances (civil strife taking place in Syria) permissible? Also there are some people who issue religious verdicts to them stating it to be permissible, so what are the prerequisites and guidelines for traveling to these countries?

A: First: we say may Allah bless you, and we ask Allah to relieve our brothers in Syria from their distress and to relieve the people of truth and Islam throughout the rest of the earth from their distress. Those who’re in Yemen, Iraq, Libya and in other places from all the lands of Islam and in whatever place they may be. May Allah relieve them of their troubles and quell their enemies.

Second: If it is necessary for them to leave and they are unable to stay due to some hindrance, then what is most appropriate is for them to go to a Muslim country wherein they can enact Islamic customs, and protect their religion, children’s cultivation, and their families. On the contrary if they are unable to do this and they find for themselves a refuge or place out of necessity, necessity, and I emphasize necessity, for a necessity, then there is no harm, however it should not be for permanent residency. When Allah makes it easy for them to return, they should return immediately, but what is binding upon them is to search for a Muslim country first.

If they can not stay in their country due to some (what Islam deems as) legitimate hindrance, then upon them is to leave (fleeing) to a Muslim country. If they are unable and there is an extreme necessity in their situation then there is no wrong (in fleeing to these two non Muslim countries), of course this is not for permanent residency. This is coupled with being aware and required for a man to preserve his religion while in these countries. Also to strive in adhering to the purified legislation, to protect his children, and to distances himself from mixing with the people of disbelief and being at ease with them, so that he may not be swayed or deceived thus ending up with them. We ask Allah for safety and well being. His traveling there is only out of necessity and a necessity is only assessed in proportion to it(s need), and Allah is most high and most knowledgeable.  

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi


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Delaying The Prayer Due To Work: Sheikh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Questioner: A man works as a security guard on the streets of Paris and sometimes is unable to break away from his work in order to pray, so is it permissible for him to pray sitting while in his car?

Sheikh: Does he do security for the disbelievers?

Questioner: Yes.

The sheikh: The security is for the disbelievers, in service of the disbelievers. He should search for another job where he can fear Allah and perform the prayer in its time. As for work with the disbelievers that leads to delaying the prayer or performing it upon desires, then no, a thousand times, no! For this reason Allah’s Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- prohibited living among the disbelievers as this is its fruit. This is the evil fruit that whomsoever lives in non Muslim countries reap.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي

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Extremism Exist In Being Excessive Just Like It Exist In Being Leniant: Sheikh Salih Al Fawzan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

All praise is due to Allah. Indeed there has been an abundance of disapproval for extremism in the religion and this disapproval is with due right. This is because extremism in the religion is forbidden in the Book, Sunnah, and by consensus. Allah says:

قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لاَ تَغْلُواْ فِي دِينِكُمْ غَيْرَ الْحَقِّ

Say (Muhammad): O’ people of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your religion outside the truth…” [Al Maaidah: 77]

In another verse He says:

يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لاَ تَغْلُواْ فِي دِينِكُمْ وَلاَ تَقُولُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ إِلاَّ الْحَقِّ

O’ people of the scripture! Do not go to extremes in your religion nor say anything about Allah except the truth…” [An-Nisaa: 171]

The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said: “Beware of exceeding limits, for indeed those that came before you were only destroyed due to extremism.

Extremism in religion is to add onto set legislated boundaries (in Islam). It often occurs in worship like the three individuals where one said, I will pray (all night) and not sleep. Another said, I will fast (continuously) and not break my fast. The third said, I will not marry women. It also occurs in rulings where one  places a recommended matter on the level of obligation. Likewise in judgments like judging the committer of major sins, that which is beneath polytheism, to be disbelief consequently exiting the fold of Islam. It occurs in enjoining good and forbidding evil. For example the extremism of the Mutazilah and their revolting against the Muslim head of state using as an excuse the enjoining of good and forbidding of evil. Or in declaring to be lawful and unlawful where one declares lawful what is prohibited and vice versa.

Hence extremism in religion with all of its types are forbidden. It often exits one from the religion and is the source of one’s destruction like it destroyed those that came before us. No one doubts this matter from he whom Allah has given comprehension of the religion and insight with regards to its rulings.

On the other hand there is he who is opposite the extremism of adding into the religion. As there is he who is extreme as it relates to leniency and tolerance in the religion. Without doubt our religion is a religion of tolerance, removal of difficulties, and moderation however this tolerance must be within the set limits in which Allah has legislated pertaining to accepting legislative concessions during times of necessity for such. As the religion, and to Allah belongs all praise, does not have within it shackles. Allah says:

لاَ يُكَلِّفُ اللّهُ نَفْساً إِلاَّ وُسْعَهَا

Allah does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear…” [Al Baqarah: 286] 

وَمَا جَعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ مِنْ حَرَجٍ

…and has not placed on you any hardship in religion…” [Al Hajj: 78]

مَا يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ لِيَجْعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِنْ حَرَجٍ

…Allah does not desire to place any difficulty upon you…” [Al Maaidah: 6] 

Extremism in tolerance is to leave off what Allah has legislated and this is not considered to be the facilitation of ease, on the contrary this in it of itself is difficulty. Thus the cancellation of association and disassociation in Islam; equalization between Muslims and disbelievers with the excuse of tolerance; cancelling applying the ruling of invalidation of Islam for he who implements all of it or something from it; equalization of the religions like saying Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are the same or equalization of all religions even the pagan and atheistic ones; claiming the statement “laa-ilaha-illa’llah” does not necessitate disbelief in false deities and does not negate other false religions besides Islam just as some authors express in magazine articles, all our examples of extremism in leniency and tolerance. Disapproval of such is binding like disapproval of extremism pertaining to additions in the religion.

Furthermore, extremism in leniency and tolerance is often times more severe than in extremism pertaining to additions in the religion. This is because extremism in tolerance  and leniency leads to making the irreligious ways equal to the religion of truth which is disbelief by consensus of the Muslims. This contradicts extremism by way of addition as an abundance of scholars held the position that it is misguidance that does not reach the level of disbelief. In contrast to what the scholars have mentioned from what nullifies Islam (like) the lack of declaring disbelievers to be such, or to have doubt concerning their disbelief. 

Therefore, upon the individual who falls into this dangerous mistake is to ponder on his affair and return to the truth. Returning to the truth is virtuous and is better than persisting upon falsehood. May Allah makes us all successful in obtaining beneficial knowledge along with righteous actions. May His peace and commendations be upon our Prophet, his family, and companions.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

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Breaking Wudhu While Making Tawaaf: Sheikh Ubayd Al Jaabiri

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: If someone breaks wudhu while making tawaaf, does he repeat the tawaaf from the beginning, or complete the tawaaf from where he stopped.

A: I am with those who say the wudhu is not a condition for the validity of the tawaaf. The menstrating woman, the woman with post natal bleeding, and the one in a state of janaba (major ritual impurity due to ejaculation, or sexual intercourse) are the only ones prevented from making tawaaf. Therefore the menstrating woman, and one with post natal bleeding are prevented until they become pure. The one in a state of janabaa is prevented until he takes a bath.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi


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Praying Outside The Prophet’s Masjid When Full: Sheikh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: If a person does not find a place (to pray) inside the Prophet’s -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- masjid and consequently prays outside and ahead of the imam (not parallel or behind him) is his prayer correct? Also does he receive the reward of 1000 prayers?

A: If he is forced to do so, due to the inability to find easy access in entering the masjid due to it being full. Likewise if he does not find a space except outside the masjid and in front of the imam, in this case the scholars allow this. He obtains the reward of praying in congregation if Allah wills, however the reward for prayer in this masjid, it being (the reward of)1000 prayers, then no. He does not obtain this. Some scholars like Ibn Taymiyyah allow this if he’s forced (has no other option), they say his prayer is valid, but the reward of 1000 prayers he does not obtain.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي 

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Saying The Tasleem Simultaneously With The Imam: Sheikh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Is the tasleem said simultaneously with the imam or after him? Also is the second tasleem voluntary or obligatory?

A: The tasleem is after the imam, however some hold the opinion that the imam concludes the prayer with the first tasleem. Ending the prayer is by way of the first tasleem and the second is voluntary, as some narrations only mention one tasleem. So if a person says the tasleem after  the (imam’s) first tasleem, for instance the imam says “as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah” and thereby completes the first tasleem, then some followers say “as salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah” similar to him, they have not opposed the Sunnah, if Allah wills.

Translated by Abu Abdil Waahid Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي

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Prohibited Places Of Prayer: Sheikh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Where is it permissible to pray, or in what places is it permissible to pray as there is a reported prohibition on prayer in the camel’s resting areas?

A: The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- was asked, “do we pray in the camel’s resting area?” He replied, “no.” He was then asked, “do we pray in the sheep pen?” He said, “yes.” Thus he prohibited them from praying in a camel’s resting area. It is also reported in some narrations the prohibition of prayer in the bathroom. Also reported in unambiguous narrations the prohibition on praying towards graves and even on graves. These are authentic without doubt. Prayer in the bathroom, as it relates to the reported narrations on its prohibition, there is differing. The least that is said is that on the apparent they (the narrations) reach the level of hasan (a grading that renders the narration acceptable as a proof in the religion).

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي 

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