Category Archives: Nutrition

Don’t Consume Poison Found In Some Foods

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Allah says:

و لا تقتلوا أنفسكم إنَّ اللهَ كان بكم رحيمًا

…And do not kill yourselves, surely Allah is Ever Merciful with you.” [An-Nisaa: 29]

Imam Ash-Shawkaani states, while commenting on this verse: “O Muslims some among you should not kill others among you, unless it is for a reason firmly established in the legislation. Or (its intent is) do not kill yourselves by way of perpetrating sins, or the intent of the prohibition relates to an individual literally killing himself. In reality, there is no restriction on anyone applying this verse in coincidence to all of these meanings.

From what alludes to this is Amr ibn-ul-Aas adopting it as proof for not taking a bath with cold water while in a state of major ritual impurity during the battle of Dhaatus-Salaasil, as the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- acknowledged his proof. This (hadith) is found within the musnad of Ahamd, and the sunan of Abu Dawud.” [فتح القدير]

The hadith referenced is as follows:

Amr ibn-ul-Aas said: “I had a wet dream on a cold night during the war expedition of Dhaatus Salaasil, and I feared that if I bathed I would be destroyed (die as a result), thus I made tayammum instead, and prayed fajr. So they (those present) mentioned this to the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- as a result he said, “O Amr did you pray with your comrades while in a state of ritual impurity?” So I informed him of that which prevented me from bathing and subsequently said, indeed I heard that Allah said –And do not kill yourselves, surely Allah is Ever Merciful with you-. The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- laughed and did not say anything (that indicates disapproval).”

In light of this, I advise my brothers and sisters in Islam to be cautious from certain ingredients found in a lot of consumer products that are, in reality, poison and possibly toxic. They are as follows:

1: Trisodium Phosphate

It is an inorganic salt like compound, a chemical, most notably used as paint thinner which is harmful and considered hazardous to the environment. Unfortunately the FDA declared this chemical safe for consumption in very small doses, thus it is found in some cereals (like Cheerios), toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.

2: BHT and BHA

Both are chemically made preservatives that the FDA as once again declared (foolishly) to be safe in small doses. Both are toxic, both are difficult for the liver to metabolizes. The World Health Organization labeled them both as potential carcinogens.

3: Hydrogenated Oils/ Partially Hydrogenated Oils

Another chemical that is one molecule away from being plastic, that contributes to high blood pressure and cholesterol.

4: Annatto

Marketed as a natural food dye alternative to artificial dyes, however research suggests it causes as many adverse intolerance reactions as artificial color additives.

5: Propylene Glycol

A chemical placed in antifreeze, yet found in a lot of sweets here in the US. Banned in Europe as a food additive.

6: Olestra or Olean 

A fat substitute that adds no calories, nor cholesterol. Proven to cause severe side effects like abdominal cramping and loose stool.

7: Azonicarbonamide

A chemical found in varying types of bread like products from bread, hot dog and burger buns, pizza dough, bagels, etc. It is used to bleach flour and is banned in some countries.

8: Potassium Bromate

Linked to thyroid and renal cancer, deemed to be possibly carcinogenic.

9: Brominated Vegetable Oil

Its main ingredient bromine, is poisonous and corrosive, and is linked to numerous major health deficiencies from birth defects, growth problems, organ system damage, etc.

O Muslim avoid these additives. Protect yourself from throwing yourselves into destruction and ruin with your own hands.

Compiled by Najeeb Al Anjelesi 

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Consuming Blood: Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Is it permissible to consume blood extracted from a human whether it be from a wound or cupping, as it is affirmed that a companion consumed the blood of the messenger -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- from cupping?

A: Allah says:

إنَّما حرّم عليكم الميتة و الدم و لحم الخنزير و ما أُهِلَّ به لغير الله

“He has only made prohibited for you (to consume) dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and the slaughtered as a sacrifice to other than Allah…” [Al-Baqara: 172]

Blood is forbidden. I have doubt regarding the authenticity of the story of Ibn Zubair drinking the blood of the Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa salaam and I will research it if Allah wills. Moreover The Messenger’s status is not like any other besides him, may Allah bless you. As for the consuming of blood it is forbidden, and the blood of the prophets has the utmost of sanctity.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source:   فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع ن هادي عمير المدخلي

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Putting Black Seed In One’s Food: Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: With regards to black seed, is mixing it with food reported in an authentic narration? We have read this in some publications and as a result we hope to seek counsel from you as it relates to this.

A: It is (authentically) reported that contain therein is a cure for all ailments except death consequently there is no doubt with regards to it. Therein is a cure just as the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- informed us. As for how to apply it, this is up to the discretion of an individual. He can put it in his drink, his food, or swallow it and wash it down with water.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi



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