Monthly Archives: November 2018

A Glimpse At The Reality Of Abu Muhammad Al Maghribi

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Sheikh Usamah Al Utaybi stated about Al Maghribi: “He is an ignorant layman from the Sa’aafiqah, the people of lies and false testimony.”(1)

In order to better understand his condition it is incumbent upon the reader to consider what follows.

Abu Saalih Ilyas ibn Aidarus Al-Kanadi said, “I bear witness in front of Allah that Abu Muhammad Al Maghribi sat in front of me in 2015 in Atlanta telling me to ignore Troid and Germantown and telling me they have no deen nor akhlaq and that he is only with them because of dawah and otherwise has no relationship with them and that they consider him a mummayi’ in reality and only act like they like him.”

He also mentioned that these statements of Al Maghribi were witnessed by both Dr. Abdur Rahman Omaisan and another brother named Abu Abdur Razzaq Hilowle.

Al Maghribi’s speech illustrates the true reality and condition of him and his so called associates in dawah. That being that they only appear to be united, but are truly divided a characteristic of the Jews, the people of hypocrisy, and the people of innovation. The Exalted says:

بأسهم بينهم شديد تحسبهم جميعا وقلوبهم شتي ذلك بأنهم قوم لا يعقلون
“Their enmity among themselves is severe. You would think they are together, but their hearts are divided. That is due to them being a people who do not comprehend.” [Al-Hashr: 14]

Sheikh Abdur Rahman ibn Naasir As-Sa’dee said, “You would think they are together when you see them gathered in mass as those feigning (to be united). Their hearts are divided i.e. hearts hating one another, divided, and splintered apart.”
تيسير الكريم الرحمن في تفسير كلام المنان

And this was uttered at a time when Somali and crew were blatantly lying to the masses claiming the Salafis had not seen the like of the unity they were experiencing at that time in 10 years. This folly was echoed at a time when Abu Abdis Salaam was warned against with no proof, Al Jamaiky had already been slandered by Somali and Anwar, and the Salafi ranks were splitting over these events.

Secondly, it illustrates the sentiment they hold for Maghribi. However, is the sentiment unfounded? There is no doubt to the intelligent person who is slightly aware of Maghribi’s affair that he bad mouths Salafis, yet has no known criticism against anyone from the people of innovation, and his vicious criticism of Troid and Germantown here are a prime example.

Last, it illustrates the fact that Maghribi is a two faced individual. As he held this opinion about them yet sat on multiple platforms alongside them, i.e. alongside people he feels have neither deen nor akhlaq. The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

“…You will find the most evil of people is the possessor of two faces, he who comes to these people with a face, and those people with (another) face.”
متفق عليه

Imam An-Nawawi said, “His -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- statement as it pertains to the two faced person -i.e. indeed he is from the most evil of people- its reason is clear, because it is unadulterated hypocrisy, lying, deception, and the employing of trickery in his becoming acquainted with the private thoughts of two groups, He comes to every group with that which pleases them while feigning to be among them as it pertains to good and bad. It is a forbidden type of flattery.”
شرح صحيح مسلم

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih Al Uthaymin said, “It is a branch of hypocrisy. You will find the two faced person comes to you flattering you and praising you. Perhaps he will even go to extremes with his praise; however, when he was behind your back he rebukes, dispraises, and insults you. He even mentions that which is not with you (slanders). Thus this person -and Allah’s refuge is sought- is just as The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- said, ‘You will find the most evil of people is the possessor of two faces, he who comes to these people with a face, and those people with (another) face.’ So this is from the major sins.”
شرح رياض الصالحين

This describes Maghribi’s action to the letter, yet Maghribi has the nerve to shamelessly speak on another’s manners. So, is this the manners of “a noble brother” or a “major student of knowedge” or a “senior in dawah”? My response….YEAH RIGHT!!!.

Written by Najeeb ibn Yusuf Al Anjelesi



1. Q: As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. O Sheikh, may Allah be kind towards you. Here in America we have a man within the field of dawah who’s name is Ridwan Al Maghribi, but he is well known by his kunya Abu Muhammad. Some people here say about him that he is “A mountain of knowledge” and “For us he is an authority -in knowledge- returned to” and he is “A sheikh” and he is this and that from descriptive terms that are considered to be praises of him. 
The question: Do you know this man and what is your opinion of him?

Sheikh Usamah Al Utaybi: 
Wa alaykummus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. This one is an ignorant layman from the Sa’aafiqah, the people of lies and false testimony.


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I Know Somali And Anwar Viciously Oppressed Al Jamaiky, But Forget That And Pardon Them Anyway

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih Al Uthaymin said:

Pardoning is to overlook inflicting punishment. If anyone directs evil towards you, and you consequently pardon them, then indeed Allah is aware of that. However, the pardoning that is required for the pardoner to be praised must be connected with reconciliation, due to The Exalted’s statement:

فمن عفا وأصلح فأجره على الله
“So whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward is with Allah.” [Ash-Shura: 40]

The reason being is that pardoning often times can be the reason for the increase in oppression and hostility. Often times it can be the means to end the oppression, and sometimes there is neither increase -in oppression- nor a reduction therein.

1. So if it is a means for the increase in oppression pardoning in this instance is blameworthy, and perhaps it is prohibited.

For example; we pardon a criminal while knowing, or the most overwhelming probability is that he will go and commit a greater crime, in this situation the pardoner is not praised, on the contrary he is condemned.

2. Often times the pardoning is a means to ending the hostility, that being if the pardoned person has shame as a result he says, “This person has pardoned me there is no way I can oppress him again, nor anyone besides him.” Thus he has shame from being among the oppressors while the other is from those that pardon.

Therefore pardoning here is praiseworthy and demanded, and most times it is obligatory.

3. Sometimes pardoning has no affect neither in increase nor reduction -of the oppression and hostility. This is better due to The Exalted’s statement:

وأن تعفو أقرب للتقوى
“And to pardon is closer to taqwa” [Al-Baqarah: 237]

شرح العقيدة الواسطية

In light of this it is quite ridiculous the statement of some who state that our brother Abu Muhammad Al Jamaiky should pardon Hasan As-Somali and Anwar Wright for the crimes mentioned in his -Abu Muhammad’s- recent speech. Especially considering the fact that he has been patient since 2013 enduring the harms that resulted while both individuals increased in their oppression, foolishness, and slander of their brother and others associated with him.

Thus it is strongly perceived that pardoning them will only increase them in stubbornness and opposition to the truth in this regard. After all Anwar Wright AKA The Deceitful was recently exposed for holding hostility against Salafis based on non issues, slander of other Salafis by use of sensationalism, and double standards. Allah brought to light his condition as a result of him indirectly attacking Abu Muhammad (and others) once again via Twitter.

Thus him and As-Somali had more than enough time to rectify their wrongs; however, they have obstinately clung to their narrow minded position that has been the cause of disunity among the Salafis throughout the states. So upon them is to repent and rectify their wrongs. They had better hope that the oppressed do not return this affair to Allah by way of supplication, as the Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

“And fear the supplication of the oppressed, for indeed there is not between it and Allah a veil.”

Al-Hafidh ibn Hajr Al-Asqalaani said: “There is no one that can avert it -i.e. the supplication-, nor block it. The intent is that it is accepted, even though he -the one supplicating- may be a sinner…”
فتح الباري شرح صحيح البخاري

It’s time these brothers practice the unity, brotherhood, and togetherness that they preach, and Allah knows best.

Written by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

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