The Ruling on Reciting The Quran For A Stipulated Salary: Shaykh Muqbil

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Q: What is the ruling on reciting the Quran in exchange for a salary?

A: The Messenger عليه الصلاة و السلام said: "Verily a people will come that will receive a sum at once with no delay or postponement." This is sound, and in another narration

"Read the Quran and don't be negligent, likewise don't exceed it's limits, nor eat due to it by (taking wages)." I am in conformity with this narration being weak as a result I don't draw a conclusion with it.

Reciting the Quran in exchange for wages is not permissible, however teaching the Quran to Muslim children is no problem insha'llah after a good doer says:"I'll give you such and such amount in order to continue teaching them." Likewise he gives you an amount that suffices you without you stipulating it then there's no problem because its not a stipulation upon him. As for if I say I won't teach unless you give me a monthly salary of $50, then this is not permissible and Allah's aid is sought.
مأخوذ من الكتاب: الرحلة الأخيرة للإمام الجزيرة
ترجمة: نجيب بن يوسف الأنجلسي
Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi

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