Category Archives: Halal And Haram

Reviling The Companions: Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh says: The reviling of every companion is disbelief because Allah has spoken good of them, He says:

..محمد رسول الله و الذين معه أشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم تراهم ركعاً سجداً يبتغون فضلاً من الله و رضواناً سيماهم في وجوههم من أثر السجود

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are stern against the disbelievers yet merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating sincerely seeking Allah’s bounty and pleasure. Their sign is on their faces from the traces of prostration…” [Al-Fath: 29]

The Exalted also says: 

لقد رضي الله عن المؤمنين إذْ يبايعونك تحت الشجرة

Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave you the pledge under the tree…” [Al-Fath: 18]

In addition the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said, “Do not insult anyone from my companions. I swear by Him in whose hand is my soul if anyone of you were to spend the like of mount Uhud in gold you would neither reach a dry bushel of anyone from among them (as it relates to virtue) nor half that.” So whoever insults the companions rejects Allah’s praise of them, and denies what is explicit in the Quran which is disbelief from which Allah’s refuge is sought.

Also the revilement of the tabi’een is evil, a major sin, and prohibited. It is possible for it to be deemed disbelief due to them being the best generation (of Muslims) after the companions’ generation, and this is established by way of the testimony of the most noble and truthful of creation, the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- where he said, “The best of mankind (are in) my generation, then those that succeed them, and then those that succeed them…”  

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: المنظار في بيان كثير من الأخطاء الشائعة

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Reviling The Authentic And True Scholars Of Islam: Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh states: Reviling the scholars, without doubt, is a major sin and prohibited. It is even possible for it be deemed disbelief and apostasy if the intent behind reviling them is on account of Islam and their strict adherence to it. Thus Allah’s refuge is sought from the inhabitants of the fire’s circumstance. Allah says

   إنما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء    

“It is only those who possess knowledge among His servants that truly fear Allah” [Fatir: 28]                   

 and He says

قلْ هل يستوي الذين يعلمون و الذين لا يعلمون

“Say (O’ Muhammad!): Are those that know equal to those who do not know…” [Az-Zumar: 9]

He also says

شهد الله أنه لا إله إلّا هو و الملاءكة و أُولوا العلم قائماً بالقسط لا إله إلّا هو العزيز الحكيم

Allah bears witness that none merits worship except Him, and the angels, and those who possess knowledge. He maintains His creation with justice, none merits worship except Him the Almighty, the All- Wise.” [Ali-Imran: 18] 

So whoever Allah linked together alongside Himself and the angels with regards to the testimony of tawheed and truth, then nobility and respect for him because of his adherence to the religion becomes compulsory. The individual who insults the scholars degrades them and if this is done as a result of Islam and them speaking in accordance with its rulings it becomes clear apostasy if one is aware of such. Allah says,

و لئن سألْتهم ليقولن إنما كنا نخوض و نلعب قلْ أ بالله و آياته و رسوله كنتم تستهزؤون لا تعتذروا قد كفرتم بعد إيمانكم

“If you were to ask them they would say: “We were only joking.” Say: Was it Allah, His signs, and His Messenger that you mocked?” Make no excuse you disbelieved after belief…” [At-Taubah: 65-66]

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source:  المنظار في بيان كثير من الأخطاء الشائعة

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The Ruling on Men Lengthening Their Garments: Shaykh Bin Baz

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This question was directed to shaykh Bin Baz may Allah have mercy upon him.

Q: We witness some people shorten their thowbs but lengthen the middle eastern style pants (worn under the thowbs). What is your opinion with respect to this, may Allah bless you with success?

A: The Sunnah (with regards to men) is that all their garments should be between half the shin and the ankles, and it is not permissible to extend them below the ankles. This is due to the Prophet’s -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- statement, “Whatever is beneath the ankles from one’s izar is in the fire.” Narrated by Al Bukhari in his authentic collection. There is no difference between middle eastern style pants (worn under thowbs), the izar, the shirt, the bist (the thin coat like garment worn over thowbs) which in the arabic language is called an abaa’ah (cloak or gown). The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- only mentioned the izar as an example and not from the aspect of specification (or restriction to that item). So what is best is that the garments be shortened, reaching half the shin due to his -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- statement, “The izar of the believer is to half the shin.”

Source:  تحفة الإخوان بأجوبة مهمة تتعلق بأركان الإسلام

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi


Other proofs not mentioned in this fatwa that point to the fact that the ruling is not restricted to a specific garment but all garments worn by men.

1: The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said, “Dragging the garments is (applicable in) the izar, the shirt (any upper garment even if it goes below the waist), and the turban. Whoever drags any thing (below the ankles) from them arrogantly, Allah will not look to him on the day of resurrection.” Collected by Abu Dawud #4094, upon the authority of Ibn Umar, and graded sound by Al-Albani.

2:  Ibn Umar said, ” What the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said concerning the izar it also applies to the upper garment.” Collected by Abu Dawud #4095

3: The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said, ” There are 3 whom Allah will not speak to, look at, nor purify and for them is a severe punishment. The one who reminds people of what he gives, the one who drags his izar (below his ankles), and the seller of product by way of false oath.” Collected by Abu Dawud #4087 and An-Nisaa’ee #2564. Upon the authority of Abu Dhar and graded sound by Al-Albani.

4: In the hadith of Jabir ibn Sulaym the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said, “Don’t consider any good as insignificant even if you were to speak to your brother with a cheerful face, for indeed that is good. And raise your izar to half the shin, and if you refuse then (lower it) to the ankles. Be cautioned from dragging the izar (below the ankles) for indeed this is arrogance and Allah does not love arrogance…” Collected by Abu Dawud #4084 and graded sound by Al-Albani.





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The Ruling on Reciting The Quran For A Stipulated Salary: Shaykh Muqbil

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Q: What is the ruling on reciting the Quran in exchange for a salary?

A: The Messenger عليه الصلاة و السلام said: "Verily a people will come that will receive a sum at once with no delay or postponement." This is sound, and in another narration

"Read the Quran and don't be negligent, likewise don't exceed it's limits, nor eat due to it by (taking wages)." I am in conformity with this narration being weak as a result I don't draw a conclusion with it.

Reciting the Quran in exchange for wages is not permissible, however teaching the Quran to Muslim children is no problem insha'llah after a good doer says:"I'll give you such and such amount in order to continue teaching them." Likewise he gives you an amount that suffices you without you stipulating it then there's no problem because its not a stipulation upon him. As for if I say I won't teach unless you give me a monthly salary of $50, then this is not permissible and Allah's aid is sought.
مأخوذ من الكتاب: الرحلة الأخيرة للإمام الجزيرة
ترجمة: نجيب بن يوسف الأنجلسي
Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi

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