Abandoning Genuine Concern For What The Legislation Encourages From Marrying Daughters To People Of Good Character And Religion: Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh

بسم الرحمن الرحيم

Allah says:

وأنكحوا الأيامى منكم و الصالحين من عبادكم و إمائكم إن يكونوا فقراء يغنيهم الله من فضله

“And marry the single among you (men and women with no lawful spouses regardless if they were married previously or not), and the upright from your (male) servants and maid servants. If they be poor Allah will enrich them from His Bounties..”  [An-Nur: 32]

It was narrated that the Prophet said, “If someone comes to you (for the purpose of marrying your daughter or women under your care) he whose religion and character are pleasing to you, marry him! if you do not there will be tribulations throughout the earth and widespread corruption.” Collected by Tirmidhi and others upon the authority of Abu Hatim Al Muzani and Abu Hurairah. The chains of transmission (standing by themselves) are weak, however (the hadith) is strengthen by the gathering of all of them, thus it (is graded) good by reliance upon other than it (by other than one chain of transmission).

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source:  المنظار في بيان كثير من الأخطاء الشائعة

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