Monthly Archives: January 2016

Negligence With Being Aware Of The Rulings Pertaining To Zakat: Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

It is binding upon whoever possesses wealth to learn or ask about zakat as a result of it being obligatory upon him. Its distribution will not be in accordance with the legislation unless its distributor learns its rulings. This (learning) is related to the nisab (specified amount that is saved for one lunar year), the amount of zakat (taken from the nisab), and its recipients, etc. Perhaps he who is careless with regards to learning and asking about this subsequently falls into sin unknowingly, or he incurs sin due to delaying its payment, or by not giving it to those who rightfully merit it. Zakat is an obligation of the wealth, its distribution and imposition necessitates awareness (of such) by learning and asking.   

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: المنظار في بيان كثير من الأخطاء الشائعة

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Abandoning Genuine Concern For What The Legislation Encourages From Marrying Daughters To People Of Good Character And Religion: Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh

بسم الرحمن الرحيم

Allah says:

وأنكحوا الأيامى منكم و الصالحين من عبادكم و إمائكم إن يكونوا فقراء يغنيهم الله من فضله

“And marry the single among you (men and women with no lawful spouses regardless if they were married previously or not), and the upright from your (male) servants and maid servants. If they be poor Allah will enrich them from His Bounties..”  [An-Nur: 32]

It was narrated that the Prophet said, “If someone comes to you (for the purpose of marrying your daughter or women under your care) he whose religion and character are pleasing to you, marry him! if you do not there will be tribulations throughout the earth and widespread corruption.” Collected by Tirmidhi and others upon the authority of Abu Hatim Al Muzani and Abu Hurairah. The chains of transmission (standing by themselves) are weak, however (the hadith) is strengthen by the gathering of all of them, thus it (is graded) good by reliance upon other than it (by other than one chain of transmission).

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source:  المنظار في بيان كثير من الأخطاء الشائعة

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Negligence In Giving Zakat To Those Who Deserve It: Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh

بسم الرحمن الرحيم

The Exalted says:

إنما الصدقة للفقرة و المساكين و العاملين عليها و المؤلفة قلوبهم و في الرقاب و الغارمين و في سبيل الله و ابن السبيل فريضة من الله و الله عليم حكيم

“Charity is only for the severely impoverished, the working class poor, those authorized to collected it, those whose hearts are inclined (towards Islam), the manumitting of slaves, the indebted, for Allah’s cause, and the traveler; an obligation imposed by Allah, and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” [At-Taubah: 60]

These are the eight cases in which zakat is distributed, so whoever is negligent with regards to it and does not give it to one of the eight classes (mentioned in the verse) is not considered to have paid it, and its obligation (upon such) has not been fulfilled. Unfortunately some people give it to anyone even though they may have sufficient funds (for their livelihood) and do not inquire about the impoverished and those like them from the other classes. Laziness in searching (for the legislated classes or types of people) is what causes the distributing (of zakat) in this nature, and that is neither permissible nor rewarded.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: المنظار في بيان كثير من الأخطاء الشائعة


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Eating With The Left Hand: Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This is prohibited because it is imitating the way shaitan eats as is narrated by Ibn Umar where he said Allah’s Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said, “whenever one of you eats then he (must) eat with his right hand and whenever he drinks he must drink with his right hand, indeed shaitan eats and drinks with his left.” Collected by Muslim.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source:   المنظار في بيان كثير من الأخطاء الشائعة

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Step By Step Guide On How To Perform Wudhu: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ramzaan Al Haajiri

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Our Interaction With The Innovator: Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Interaction with the innovator is it like that of the sinful person as it relates to love and or association and hate and or disassociation, meaning he is loved and or associated with due to what is with him of faith and hated and or shown hostility towards due to his innovation?

A: That which Ahlus Sunnah have established (regarding this affair) and reported consensus is that the innovator is worse than the disobedient sinner, as the disobedient sinner has characteristics. He (for example) for the most part respects the people of knowledge, virtue, and uprightness, and wishes to be among them. On the contrary the innovator disputes with the scholars, harms them, is hostile towards them, and thinks low of and disrespects them. So the innovator is more evil without doubt.

The Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said, “the most evil of affairs are novelties (in the religion)”. He -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- said about the Khawaarij, “They are the evilest of creation” and “wheresoever you meet them, slay them!” An abundance of the Salaf have determined that the people of innovation and the fabricators, those who invent lies against the messenger -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- are more harmful to Islam than the zanaadaqah. How can this be? This is due to them destroying the home from within, then opening the door for the enemies to whom which they say “enter!”

The people of innovation have wrecked the Islamic World. The lowliness and humiliation that has befell is due to the people of innovation. They have caused a multitude of Muslims to be distant from Allah’s methodology to the point where they no longer merit Allah’s help nor generosity. The Shiite, Khawaarij, Mu’tazilah, and the superstitious grave worshiping Sufi are remnants of the people of innovation. So they eat away at the home from within until they eventually say to the enemy “come inside!” Just like what was mentioned to me about the French army when they approached Algeria (or another land) a Sufi elder said, I saw the Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- say leave them to enter. Hence him being a hypocrite is not far fetched, as he says to the enemy “enter” hence their evil is very dangerous.

As for the sinners they respect the scholars, and the devout. They wish to be among them and to rid themselves of that which is with them, unfortunately the sinner (may be) unable (to do so). On the other hand this criminal (a person of innovation and desire) hates the scholars  and wages war against them. He runs people away from Allah’s religion and diverts from Allah’s path. His evil is very perilous. As a result the salaf firmly established the boycotting, hatred, and uprooting of them. So this question (its questioner) I’m not sure if he’s salafi or one deceived by the methodology of muwazanah, due to him saying love him on account of his Islam, hate him on account of his innovation.

This is the methodology of muwazanah which is falsely attributed to Ibn Taimiyyah, however he did not intend such. He intended the refuting of the Khawaarij because they expelled from Islam whosoever fell into sin or innovation. They declared such to be a disbeliever, yet shaykh-ul-Islam said this type of person has not disbelieved. That was his intent, he did not intend that for every time you mention a strayed innovator you must enumerate his good deeds  or that you must say I love him due to his faith and hate him due to his sins. This is worthless speech. And if this was not the case there is consensus with an overwhelming multitude of major and distinguished scholars before Ibn Taimiyyah as it relates to hatred, abandonment, revilement, and the uprooting of them. These imams reported a consensus regarding this.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source:  فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع ن هادي عمير المدخلي




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Islamic Position With Regards To The Shiite: Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: What is the Islamic position with regards to the Shiite coming out of Iran, especially as it relates to the abundance of them present at the Sanctuary (in Mecca) and the elders from them? How do we interact with them?

A: Interaction with them falls between two (varying) circumstances. You either have the ability to affect them and to (properly) call them to Allah (worship of Him based on revelation) just as you would call the Jews and Christians to the truth making it clear to them. If this is the case, call them to Allah and if you do not possess the ability to do so (which is the second circumstance) then distance yourself from them. Allah only burdens an individual with that which he can bear.

And this is a calamity that has befallen to which there is no escape. It has befallen and is a trial for us, as we are unable to prevent them from entering the Two Sanctuaries. As a result we are tested by way of them just as the companions were tested by way of the hypocrites. So this is the reality. Consequently the strong students of knowledge and the scholars must take on the responsibility of inviting them to Allah, presenting (to them) the proofs, and referring them to the truth. Either they will accept and if not then the proof is established against them. 

As for the small student of knowledge he distances himself and abandons them. He should not be like some who say “the Shiite are our brothers, the difference between us and them is like the difference between Malik and Shaafi’ee.” Those who say this are deceivers who misled the Muslims. A multitude of adherents to the Sunnah have plunged into the arms of the Shiite due to this watering down (and distortion) of the affair. Multitudes in Africa, (specifically) in Sudan and Egypt. Have you not heard about what transpired in Egypt during the medieval era? The batini Shiite ruled Egypt and circulated throughout the land shiism along with the batini ideology, then Allah granted Sallahuddin Al Ayyubi victory in conquering them. Subsequently their government fell and the Sunnah’s influence returned to Egypt. There remained some who upheld the batini ideology under the cloak of Sufism and this is the reason why they can’t outwardly display neither shiism nor the batini ideology.

Unfortunately in this era the craving of the Shiite has intensified with respect to returning shiism and batinism to that country and they have begun to spread their poison. Did you all hear the answer (to the initial question)? The Questioner asked about the Shiite and ones conduct with them. We replied with it being binding upon the strong students of knowledge and the scholars to invite them to Allah, and to make clear the truth. Perhaps Allah will guide whomever He wills from those among them. As for small students of knowledge they are to avoid, shun, and show no regard towards them. And we say the opposite of what some deceivers say from those involved in politics “the Shiite are our brothers, the difference between us and them is like the difference between Malik and Shaafi’ee.”

This is inventing a lie on Allah and misleading the Muslims, subsequently causing many from those who attribute themselves to the Sunnah to be flung into the arms of the Shiite.  

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي 



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Inventing Lies Against People Of Innovation: Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: Is it permissible to lie on the people of innovation or anyone else from the misguided?

A: Lying on anyone is not permission, neither on a disbeliever nor on the people of innovation. It is not permissible to invent a lie on anyone to the point where you say so and so with him is this and that, or with this group is this and that. We seek refuge with Allah, as it is not permissible. We make clear their misguidance via conveyance of it from their writings or some other means, then we raise objection to it with knowledge. This is what we do and we ask Allah to bless every Salafi with success in being truthful and just in statement and action. In conclusion, we do not view to be correct a Muslim telling lies on another Muslim, nor on a disbeliever; ever.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source:  فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي عمير المدخلي 


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Propagators And Non Propagators From The People Of Innovation: Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: What are the regulations related to the people of innovation?

A: They are categorized as either propagators or non propagators (of innovation). 

As for the propagators punitive measures are taken against them as is mentioned by the imams of Islam like ostracism, as is the case with Umar when he ostracized Sabigh and others. Also from punitive measures is capital punishment (the death sentence issued by an Islamic judge or head of state) just as Al-Jad ibn Dirham, Al-Hallaj, and others from the leaders of innovation and misguidance were killed.

As for the followers for them is direction and clarity. They are called to Allah with wisdom and good admonishment.

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ العلامة ربيع بن هادي المدخلي 

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