Are The Ikhwanis From The Saved Sect? Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al Abbaad

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: These two questions are related to the group known as Ikwanil Muslimeen. Are they considered to be from the saved sect? Or are they considered to be from the Khawaarij?

A: The Ikhwanil Muslimeen have deviations, although they view themselves as being the people of truth and others besides them, however that is not the case based on the statements of the organizer of this group. He stated, “whoever is with us is from us and we are among them and if this is not the case then we are distant from he who is not with us” this is his speech found in some of his published books. Thus they have with them deviations and innovations. They have a yearning for authority (the seat of leadership) and a ravenous appetite for acquiring it. As for Ahlus Sunnah those who are the saved sect that traverse upon the path of the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa salaam- and his companions then they are not from them. 

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi



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