Monthly Archives: July 2017

The Ruling Concerning Polygyny In Islam: Sheikh Ubayd Al Jaabiri

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q: What is the ruling concerning polygyny in Islam?

Sheikh Ubayd Al Jaabiri: All praises are strictly for Allah, Lord of the existence, and may Allah’s commendations (in lofty gatherings) and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family, and all of his companions.

Now then, undoubtedly it is obligatory upon every male and female Muslim to be pleased with Allah and His Messenger’s judgement. Allah the Exalted says:

وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانْتهوا

“And whatsoever the messenger gives you take it, and whatsoever he forbids abstain from it.” [Al-Hashr: 7]

And The Exalted says:

وما كان لمؤمن و لا مؤمنةٍ إذا قضى الله و رسوله أمرًا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم 

“It is not for a believer male and female to have a choice, if Allah and His messenger have decided a matter…” [Al-Ahzaab: 36]

And other than that from the explicitly suggestive verses that indicate that it is compulsory for every male and female Muslim the being pleased with whatsoever Allah and His Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- have decided, and to hold the belief that it is good. In that manner the sunnah has brought forth, from the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam-, the inciting of the male and female Muslims to being pleased with whatsoever Muhammad has brought forth, regardless if the judgement is contain within a revealed (sent down by Allah from above the seven heavens) noble verse or within the Prophet’s sunnah. From the widely spread sunnah is that which the two scholars compiled on the authority of Anas, from the Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam where he said, “3 things if gathered within one finds the sweetness of faith; that Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than anyone besides them…”

The meaning is that you put whatsoever pleases Allah and His Messenger -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- before the statements of anyone, as is in the authentic narration, “Whoever is pleased with Allah as his Lord, Islam as his religion, and Muhammad as his messenger has savored the taste of faith.” Thus his statement “And Muhammad as his messenger” this necessitates that one believes in all of what Muhammad -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- brought forth, that it is from Allah, and that it is the truth in which there is no doubt therein.

And what is better than what Ash-Shaafi’ee stated, “I believe in Allah, what has come from Allah, upon Allah’s intent. I believe in Allah’s Messenger, whatever has come from Allah’s Messenger, upon his -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- intent. Indeed the Islamic knowledge based specialist unanimously agree on what we have mentioned, hence it is determined. So undoubtedly polygyny is the foundation (of marriage in Islam), it is explicit within the distinguished revelation. Allah the Exalted says:

فانْكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى و ثلاثى و رباع فإن خفتم ألاَّ تعدلوا فواحدةً

“So marry whatever you have a liking for from the women, two, three, or four. But if you fear that you cannot be just then (marry) one…” [An-Nisaa: 3]

The one who examines this valuable verse, made clear to him are two things:

First: That the foundation is polygyny as Allah began with it and encouraged it. Whoever speaks with it being obligatory, then his speech has a bases for consideration because the fundamental ruling regarding a command is obligation.

Second: Contentment with one (wife) for he who fears for himself the absence of justice (between multiple wives).


Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: التقرير المؤكد بالإجابة على ثلاثين سؤالاً في التعدد 


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Being In A State Of Ritual Purity Is Recommended When Calling The Adhan: Sheikh Al-Albaani

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

While discussing recommended actions while calling the adhan Sheikh Al-Albaani said, “That one calls to prayer while in a state of purity (wudhu), and the evidence for this is his -sallahu alayhi wa sallam- statement, ‘Indeed I hate to remember Allah unless while in a state of purity‘ or he said, ‘while in purification.
As for the narration, ‘There is no adhan unless one is in a state of purity‘ this is weak, it is not authentic, and Tirmidhi collected it. Thereafter Tirmidhi said, ‘The people of knowledge differ as it pertains to the adhan in other than a state of purity, thus some people of knowledge hate doing so as Ash-Shaafi’ee and Ishaq state. Some of the people of knowledge permit it as Sufyaan Ath-Thawri, Ibn-ul-Mubaarak, and Ahmad speak accordingly.’ “

Sheikh Al-Albaani said in the footnotes to the previous narration collected by Tirmidhi, “It is from the chain of Muawiyah ibn Yahya As-Sudfi from Az-Zuhri from Abu Huraira being raised to him (The Prophet -sallahu alayhi wa sallam) Muawiya is weak just as Al-Haafidh stated, and Az-Zuhri didn’t hear anything from Abu Huraira just as Tirmidhi mentions. Then he compiled it with the chain of Yunus (another chain of transmission) from Ibn Shihaab where he said, ‘Abu Huraira said, ‘No one makes the call to prayer except he who is in a state of purification.’ ‘ ” Thereafter he said, ‘This is more sound than the first narration.’ “

I say (Al-Albaani), “It is not valid in regards to being marfoo (having a connected chain towards the Prophet -sllahu alayhi wa sallam), nor in being mawqoof (a connected chain towards a companion) due to the existence of a break in both chains.”

Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi

Source: أحكام الأذان والإقامة


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