بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Shaykh Salih Alish-Shaykh states: Reviling the scholars, without doubt, is a major sin and prohibited. It is even possible for it be deemed disbelief and apostasy if the intent behind reviling them is on account of Islam and their strict adherence to it. Thus Allah’s refuge is sought from the inhabitants of the fire’s circumstance. Allah says
إنما يخشى الله من عباده العلماء
“It is only those who possess knowledge among His servants that truly fear Allah” [Fatir: 28]
and He says
قلْ هل يستوي الذين يعلمون و الذين لا يعلمون
“Say (O’ Muhammad!): Are those that know equal to those who do not know…” [Az-Zumar: 9]
He also says
شهد الله أنه لا إله إلّا هو و الملاءكة و أُولوا العلم قائماً بالقسط لا إله إلّا هو العزيز الحكيم
Allah bears witness that none merits worship except Him, and the angels, and those who possess knowledge. He maintains His creation with justice, none merits worship except Him the Almighty, the All- Wise.” [Ali-Imran: 18]
So whoever Allah linked together alongside Himself and the angels with regards to the testimony of tawheed and truth, then nobility and respect for him because of his adherence to the religion becomes compulsory. The individual who insults the scholars degrades them and if this is done as a result of Islam and them speaking in accordance with its rulings it becomes clear apostasy if one is aware of such. Allah says,
و لئن سألْتهم ليقولن إنما كنا نخوض و نلعب قلْ أ بالله و آياته و رسوله كنتم تستهزؤون لا تعتذروا قد كفرتم بعد إيمانكم
“If you were to ask them they would say: “We were only joking.” Say: Was it Allah, His signs, and His Messenger that you mocked?” Make no excuse you disbelieved after belief…” [At-Taubah: 65-66]
Translated by Najeeb Al Anjelesi
Source: المنظار في بيان كثير من الأخطاء الشائعة